Ex-combatant found a way to start a business in the art of weaving


Knapsacks, wallets, clothing, home accessories and technology are some of the handmade products that are a source of income for Diana, a FARC-EP ex-combatant.  Picture: ARN Communications.   

​Santa Marta, 20 / 09 / 2021 

Diana, a woman in the process of reincorporation, found in the art of weaving an enterprise for her life, and with the economic support of the National Government started her grocery store as a productive project, where she also hopes soon to have her space for the sale of handicrafts in Santa Marta.
32 people in the process of reincorporation are making the transition into legality in Magdalena. 127 million pesos have been disbursed for 12 productive projects. 
Knapsacks, bathing suits and blouses for women, cell phone covers and cases, small bags for women, sandals, inter alia, are the woven products that Diana makes with colorful and innovative figures that she learned to weave since she was 17 years old in her hometown of San Jacinto (Bolivar), "cradle of the hammock", and one of the main handicraft centers of the Caribbean. 
Diana has managed to raise her three children at 53 years of age, with her business 'Artesanías Dinaluz' ("Dinaluz Handicrafts"). In addition, since she entered the reincorporation process, she has developed, thanks to the ARN's management, training in costume jewelry, business mindset and business ideas and basic accounting to strengthen her business. 
Although her mother assured her that she wanted "something better for her (Diana)", her persistence led her to learn from the weavers of her community and thereby start her business; first, by request from some women weavers of her municipality, and then with her inspiration to create new designs and patterns individually. 
That dream that I have, that is my second opportunity. To make the dream of implementing my crafts come true, what I know, what I do with my hands, that is my second opportunity ", said Diana, thinking about her future in legality. 
She received from the National Government the economic benefit of reincorporation, explains the ex-combatant of the FARC-EP and, together with her partner and daughter, who are also part of the process, invested 24 million pesos for the implementation of her productive project, which consists of a store for the sale of food products in a neighborhood of Santa Marta and where she wants to allocate a space of the premises to have a handicraft shop.
“Peace is with facts and this is one of the cases in which, in addition to demonstrating that legality is to undertake a new life project, it is a sign of recognition of the roots and culture. That Caribbean culture that makes us feel proud, where women like Diana, every day are weaving dreams that can become a reality. Of course, with all the commitment to keep moving forward.", said Andrés Stapper Segrera, ARN's Director General. 
Artesanías Dinaluz' also helps other women in the Caribbean region with employment, because when they have large orders, they resort to the labor of their weaving friends for the production of backpacks. 
12 productive projects have been formulated and disbursed in the department of Magdalena, with an investment of 127 million pesos, involving 16 people in the process of reincorporation and their families, as part of the creation of income for their new life in a legal environment.

Interesting facts:

  • To purchase the handicraft products and contribute to the reincorporation process, please contact us by phone at 300 6755153 or by e-mail at dinaluzrossochamo@gmail.com.

Created at 10/5/2021 2:14 PM by Adrian Mauricio Rojas Maldonado
Last modified at 10/5/2021 10:16 PM by Adrian Mauricio Rojas Maldonado