Colombian Reintegration Agency (ACR) Main Portal > Reintegration > Questions and answers about the Health Dimension

​General Questions on General Health 


1.  How can a demobilized person access the Health System?

The demobilized person must reach out to ACR's Regional Group where he/she will receive a letter for the first and only time so he/she approaches his/her preferred Health Service Provider for registration.

2.  What procedure must a demobilized person follow in order to register for health services when he/she moves to another municipality?

The steps for this procedure are:  

·       Contact ACR's Regional Group or the assigned Reintegration Professional to consult on how to access the health benefit.

·       Request a review of the health system registration status of the demobilized person and his/her family. This is how the procedure for registration or delivery of a health letter, as applicable, can be initiated.

·       Provide family information along with the documentation requested by law to the assigned Reintegration Professional in order to facilitate the construction of the census list.

·       Keep basic data up to date (address, telephone number, document type according to age) at the Health Service Provider where the person is affiliated.

·       Know the network (Health Service Institutions) hired by the person's Health Service Provider.

·       Inform the change of municipality to the Health Service Provider by written or directly, requesting the due supporting documentation, in order to start the transfer or portability process of the health services.

·       If applicable, file petitions, complaints or claims before the responsible health entity and follow up on them. 

3. What is the procedure so that a Person undergoing a Reintegration Process is attended in the municipality where he/she is transferred?

The recommendation in this case is to approach the premises of the Health Service Provider and Health Service Network that provide him/her services so the person can consult on the way medical care will be received.

4. Who are the immediate family members that can access the health benefit?

1. Spouse or permanent companion.

2. Children younger than 18 years old or those of any of the spouses or permanent companion.

3. Children older than 18 years old of any of both spouses or permanent companion with a permanent disability certified under the terms of Law 100, 1993.

4. Older children, between 18 and 25 years old, when they are students with an hourly intensity of at least 20 hours per week and that economically depend on the immediate family's head, as established by Decree 1889 of 1994 and the regulations that modify, add or substitute it.

5.  The grandchildren of any spouse or permanent companion that are children of people that are younger than 18 years, or younger than 25 years old, students, with an minimum intensity of 20 hours per week and that will economically depend on the immediate family's head.

6.  Underage children that live in the same home according to the "SISBEN" records and that are under the responsibility of any spouse or permanent companions or under the protection of the family.

It is understood that here is economic dependence when a person receives from another the necessary means for his/her subsistence.  


Delivery of a Health Letter  

1.  Who must send a letter so that the Person undergoing a Reintegration Process can access the Health System?

If the case is related to the access and registration at the​​ General Health System, the orientation must be requested at the premises of ACR's Regional Group. If this has to do with health services provided by the Health Service Provider, the orientation must be requested at the customer services office of this entity. 

2.  What additional benefits are offered by ACR if the Person undergoing a Reintegration Process has a special health condition?

A Person undergoing a Reintegration Process classified as part of the special approach of the Reintegration Route is allowed to have certain flexibility in the process. If the person is classified as part of the conditional approach, he/she will be allowed to receive specific benefits. In both cases, the person must submit the medical certificate that explains his/her current health status and the characterization that must be prepared by the Reintegration Professional.

3. Which procedure must a Person undergoing a Reintegration Process follow if he/she has a special health case?

If the case is related to the access and registration at the General Health System, the orientation must be requested at the premises of ACR's Regional Group. If this has to do with health services provided by the Health Service Provider, the orientation must be requested at the customer services office of this entity.

Information about the submission of documents related to medical incapacity or domestic calamity


1.  How should a Person undergoing a Reintegration Process submit a medical incapacity or domestic calamity document for not losing the economic benefit?

He/she should submit to a Reintegration Professional a certificate where it is stated that the person is going through a treatment for psychoactive substances and/or alcohol dependence, or an incapacity certificate issued by the Health Service Provider or Network (EPS, EPSS or IPS) in the month following the occurrence of the fact that caused the incapacity at the latest. In the case of a domestic calamity, he/she should present the supporting documents of such fact.

Information about health quotas for a Person undergoing a Reintegration Process or his/her immediate family


1.  How can a Person undergoing a Reintegration Process verify if he/she is affiliated to the Health System?

The person can do this through the Internet, accessing the Fosyga website. In this site, the person must select the document type and type his/her document number and, automatically, the system will indicate if the person is or not affiliated to the Health System. Support may be requested to the Reintegration Professional for this procedure.

2. How can a Person undergoing a Reintegration Process verify if his immediate family is affiliated to the Health System?

The person can do this through the Internet, accessing the Fo​syga website. In this site, the person must select the document type and type his/her family member document number and, automatically, the system will indicate if the person is or not affiliated to the Health System. Support may be requested to the Reintegration Professional for this procedure.