Colombian Reintegration Agency (ACR) Main Portal > Reintegration > Questions and Answers about the Family Dimension

Orientation about the Family 

1.  Why are the family members of the demobilized person included in the Reintegration Process?

The Reintegration Policy recognizes that the family unit plays a strategic role in the process because, depending on the links that the Person undergoing a Reintegration Process has with his/her families, permanence in legality can be achieved as well as the fact of overcoming their condition of demobilized people and other factors that increase his/her vulnerable condition. This is possible as long as the family participates in the different social and economic offers of the State, something that means that the demobilized people and their families may access the education and health systems, labor market, among others, therefore contributing to the improvement of their conditions in terms of their quality of life.

For this reason, ACR, as the guarantor of the Reintegration Process, should coordinate and promote, along with the different entities in charge of education, health and other services, the engagement of the demobilized people and their families with the available offers.

ACR studies state that not effectively including the family in the Reintegration Process may reduce the economic and social opportunities for the families of the demobilized people, causing in few cases, recidivism of the demobilized people in illegal actions, as well as the beginning of a generation of violence and illegal practices carried out by the children of demobilized people.

2.  Who are the people that make up the family group of the People undergoing a Reintegration Process according to the Reintegration Policy?

Family group means the people with whom there are kinship, affinity or dependence or economic interdependence relationships as follows:

a) Spouse or permanent companionship with whom there is an affinity relationship and coexistence.

b) Children that, regardless of where they live, are younger than (18) years old and there is economic dependence.

c) Children of any age that, regardless of where they live, have permanent disability and economic dependence.

d) Children, regardless of where they live, that are between eighteen (18) and twenty five (25) years old, if they are full time students, as defined in Decree 1889, 1994.

e) Children of the spouse or permanent companion that coexist with their parents.

f) The parents when there is coexistence.

g) People with kinship to the second degree (only siblings, grandparents and grandchildren) with whom there is coexistence and dependence or economic interdependence.

h) In case of not coexisting with any of the aforementioned, people with kinship to the third degree (only uncles, aunts, nephews and nieces) may be taken into account as long as there is coexistence and dependence or economic interdependence.

It will be understood that there is economic dependence when a person receives from another the necessary means to subsist. Economic interdependence means reciprocal dependence.


Information about ACR's benefits for the Immediate Family

 1.  What benefits does the family of the Person undergoing a Reintegration Process have?

ACR offers the members of the families of the People undergoing a Reintegration Process the following benefits:

• Psychosocial Accompaniment under the framework of the actions carried out within the Reintegration Route and the personal and family dimensions, which will be transversal from the access of the person to the process until its completion.   

• Benefit of health service support - procedures for registering at the General Social Security System in Health.

• Benefit of education support - ACR promotes the access to the Education System based on the available offers.

It is fundamental that the Person undergoing a Reintegration Process informs ACR about his/her family members so that these people can be engaged in the social benefits that the program offers to families.

2.  May the family of a Person undergoing a Reintegration Process access the SENA (National Learning Service) through ACR?

Indeed, the family group will be advised and included in the offer of complementary education in accordance with the provisions of the second clause of agreement "Inter-administrative Framework of Cooperation" number 699/363, which defines as the beneficiary population of this type of education the demobilized people undergoing a Reintegration Process, their families and the communities that are part of their immediate context. It is important to clarify that families may access SENA's regular quarterly degree training offer of self-management, as SENA Letter 159 states that, for this type of training, ACR may only refer the Person undergoing a Reintegration Process.

3.  If the Person undergoing a Reintegration Process dies, can his/her family receive benefits? Which would these benefits be?

For cases in which the demobilized or disengaged person dies, according to Article 7, Decree 1391, 2011, the family may access a Life Insurance Policy with a coverage of fifteen (15) current legal minimum salaries during a term of one (1) year starting on the date in which the person was certified by the Operational Committee for the Abandonment of Weapons - CODA or accepted as part of the list of demobilized people regulated through Decree 3360, 2003.