Mocoa, 21/09/2021
Through the development of productive projects, inclusion in educational processes, and the guarantee of access to rights, the Agency for Reincorporation and Normalization (ARN) continues its work to ensure the sustainability of people in the process of reincorporation living in Putumayo.
In order to continue advancing in the Reincorporation Route of 407 people in reincorporation residing in the department of Putumayo, the Agency for Reincorporation and Normalization (ARN) through the timely and comprehensive attention of its population has made important achievements such as the progress in the Reincorporation and Reintegration Routes.
The National Government has provided support for the implementation of 159 productive projects (collective and individual) carried out by reincorporated individuals in the department of Putumayo, who have started business units in the agricultural and livestock and trade sectors.
Among the business ideas, the collective project of the Cooperativa Multiactiva del Común (Comuccom), of which 90 people are involved in the trading of red tilapia fish, stands out.
The monitoring and maintenance of these productive projects is being carried out in a timely manner, thanks to the Institutional Coordination Technical Committee, a program in which 10 institutional allies participate, joining efforts and actions for the reincorporation process. Through the Committee, ARN monitors the implementation of various activities in different productive lines carried out in the territory.
Likewise, the ARN has carried out actions that have allowed 164 people to attend elementary, middle, and high school, through three flexible educational models for adults, in order to guarantee access to education for the population:
88 people have participated in the "Travelling Teacher" strategy, of which 68 are part of the reincorporation process and 20 of the reintegration process. With this strategy, 11 people received their academic high school diploma; 40 people in the reincorporation process continue their educational processes with Arando la Educación, and 36 people are part of the Tejiendo Saberes Flexible Educational Model, throughout the department of Putumayo.
“The ARN is constantly seeking to carry out activities that promote the well-being of our ex-combatant population, aimed at Peace with Legality in keeping with President Iván Duque's commitment to the people who are making progress in their transition to legality. As well as the coordination with the development plans of each territory to leverage our reincorporation and reintegration policies and achieve the goals set", said Andrés Felipe Stapper, ARN's Director General.
Thanks to the institutional advocacy efforts, specific actions on public policies for reintegration and reincorporation have been included in nine prioritized development plans, eight municipal plans and the departmental development plan.
Regarding the strategy of community initiatives developed by the ARN in 2021, three interventions are being carried out in the municipalities of Puerto Asis, Puerto Caicedo and Valle del Guamuez, benefiting 420 people, focused on generating protective environments and community scenarios for coexistence and reconciliation between the host communities and ex-combatants, with a goal of facilitating their reintegration into civilian and social life.
Interesting facts:
- Amazon reforestation is a priority for ex-combatants, so much so that inhabitants of the former ETCR La Pradera and members of the Comucomm Cooperative are carrying out a community nursery project.
- 88 people in the process of reincorporation live in the former ETCR La Pradera, in Putumayo.