“Mambrú”' strategy returns to territory to provide accompaniment to 1,300 girls, boys and young people


​Girls, boys and young people, from the 27 municipalities where the "Mambrú, this is another tale" ("Mambrú, este es otro cuento" - in Spanish) strategy is implemented, during the National Meeting for the Exchange of Experiences (Encuentro Nacional  de Intercambio de Experiencias - in Spanish) in Bogotá, in December 2019. Photo: Comunicaciones ARN.

Bogotá, 07/16/2020


With all the biosecurity measures and following the guidance of the local authorities, the implementation of "Mambrú, this is another tale" was reactivated in territory, the Agency for Reincorporation and Normalization (ARN) strategy that seeks to strengthen protective environments for girls, boys, teenagers and young people in communities affected by violence.


1,300 girls, boys and young people from 27 municipalities in Colombia are the participants in "Mambrú", the ARN initiative that creates alternatives for the use of leisure time in the face of risk factors such as the presence of armed actors and common crime gangs, drug trafficking and narcotics consumption, and situations of domestic violence in different communities in the country.

During the health emergency generated by Covid - 19, the ARN carried out a diagnostic exercise of  the public health and the connectivity conditions of these municipalities, to reactivate community processes and provide accompaniment to participating girls, boys and young people, in accordance with the prevention measures taken by each municipality.

The return to the territory is marked by the delivery of a pedagogical kit for each of the 1,300 participants, as well as food aid and biosafety elements (caps, gloves, soap and alcohol) for the care and protection of families.

Through the "Mambrú at Home" ("Mambrú en casa" - in Spanish) passbook, the ARN will implement the general non – face – to - face training process, so that participants learn about their rights and duties, self - care, leadership and healthy coexistence, while enhancing their knowledge and skills, and identifying the threats and risks they face, and their possible solutions.

"From the ARN we continue to work for the 1,300 girls, boys, young people and teenagers who are now part of "Mambrú". We reach their communities with all the biosecurity measures to accompany them in their life projects, promoting new opportunities and building peace", said Andrés Stapper Segrera, ARN general director.

In each municipality, "Mambrú" also strengthens local artistic, communicative, sporting or social entrepreneurship initiatives, through the provision and delivery of inputs, as well as the training of girls, boys and young people, for which virtual, face – to - face training scenarios in small groups and through community speakers.

With these initiatives, the ARN, hand – in - hand with families and educational institutions, seeks to strengthen protective environments in vulnerable communities, the vast majority remote and affected by violence. Thus, in municipalities such as Miranda (Cauca), the philharmonic band of the "A Chant for Life Cultural Foundation" ("Fundación Cultural Un Canto a la Vida - in Spanish) is strengthened; while in Viotá (Cundinamarca), participants bet on the creation of the "Ride for Peace" mountain biking club (Club de ciclomontañismo "Rueda por la Paz" - in Spanish).


Interesting Data

  • The 'Mambrú' strategy in its fifth edition (2019 - 2020) is implemented in 27 municipalities in the country:
    Anorí, Cáceres, Dabeiba, Itagüí, Remedios, Tarazá and Urrao (Antioquia); Riosucio (Caldas); Pueblo Rico (Risaralda); Gigante (Huila); Uribe (Meta), Cumbal and Tumaco (Nariño); Miranda (Cauca); San José del Guaviare (Guaviare); San José de Fragua (Caquetá); Valle del Guamuez (Putumayo); Malambo (Atlántico); Becerril (Cesar); Tierralta and Puerto Libertador (Córdoba); Fonseca (La Guajira); Sabana de Torres y Girón (Santander); Ovejas (Sucre); Viotá (Cundinamarca) and Buenaventura (Valle del Cauca).
  •  With 142 interventions, the ARN has benefited 6,881 girls, boys and young people from 74 municipalities in Colombia and has prevented the enrollment in different violent scenarios and strengthened transformative leadership in communities has been prevented.


Created at 10/16/2020 6:18 PM by Adrian Mauricio Rojas Maldonado
Last modified at 10/16/2020 6:18 PM by Adrian Mauricio Rojas Maldonado