Ex-combatants manufacture over 1,000 items out of recyclable material thanks coordination between ARN and the Vía 40 Express Concession |  | François-Régis Le Miere, general manager of Vía 40 Express Concession, Juan Perea Garabato, ex-combatant of Farc-Ep and Andrés Stapper, ARN Director General, at the official delivery of the items made by ex-combatants of Tejiendo Paz Cooperative (Cooptepaz) | Icononzo, 11/09/2020 - A sustainable initiative was born as a result of the public-private coordination between ARN and Vía 40 Express concession of the National Infrastructure Agency (ANI) to transform certain used garments into pencil cases and backpacks. The pieces made by ex-combatants in the process of reincorporation will be delivered to users and communities in the area of influence of the Bogotá - Girardot Third Lane project, during the environmental and road safety campaigns developed by the entity.
The commitment of the Agency for Reincorporation and Normalization (ARN) and the joint work with the private sector have led to the creation of opportunities in different territories of Colombia. Vía 40 Express Concession has joined these efforts through the circular economy model, to support the sustainability of the productive projects of former combatants and contribute to peacebuilding.22 ex-combatants with Tejiendo Paz Co-op (Cooptepaz) have manufactured 115 backpacks and 1,000 facemasks, out of 150 disused uniforms supplied by the Concession. The garments were transformed as part of the environmental and social initiative that will benefit more than 1,000 people from the company's Social Responsibility Programs and became a source of employment for the reincorporated population.Andrés Stapper – ARN Director General – emphasized thus "ARN continues to advance joint efforts alongside the private sector. Today we weave ties with the territories jointly with Vía 40 Express Concession, to strengthen the economic sustainability of people in the reincorporation process betting on lawful productive development".Vía 40 Express Concession also delivered recreational and educational elements for 'Montaña Mágica' nursery, a protective environment for the care of more than 15 children of ex-combatants at former ETCR La Fila."Vía 40 Express and its shareholders - VINCI Highways and Conconcreto, think it is paramount to generate social fabric and engage the territory of our Bogotá-Girardot Third Lane project. For this reason, when we discovered that this ARN project was to be developed in in Icononzo, we thought it was very important to contribute, get closer and look for a way to work together, in order to support the reincorporation process in Colombia and contribute to the building of peace and a more inclusive country" , stated François-Régis Le Miere, general manager of the Concesión Vía 40 Express.Thanks to this articulated work, the generation of employment is promoted for a population in search of new opportunities, which is committed to peace in Colombia and also contributes to the reparation of the social fabric through a model of circular, restorative and regenerative economy with the textile industry. "After visiting these productive projects, we reaffirm our commitment on behalf of the French Embassy with the implementation of the Peace Agreement, in particular by supporting projects that involve the private sector. We must come together in our efforts" exulted, Kim Ramoneda, Political Counselor of the French Embassy in Colombia. Data of interest:- To date, 9 collective and 88 individual productive projects have been approved in the department of Tolima, of which 96 have been disbursed, benefiting 323 people in the process of reincorporation.
- The garment manufacturing project implemented by Cooperativa Multiactiva del Común Tejiendo Paz (Cooptejpaz) was approved and disbursed as of April of this year by the National Reincorporation Council (CNR), in the amount of COP $ 440 million.
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