The Folke Bernadotte Academy (FBA) is the Swedish government agency for peace, security and development which operates in countries affected by armed conflicts.
Since 2007, the FBA has supported the Agency for Reincorporation and Normalization (ARN) to strengthen the reintegration and reincorporation processes in Colombia and has been a historical ally in terms of technical assistance, capacity building and training schemes for officials.
The FBA has been a key partner in strengthening gender equality, knowledge management and training on international DDR standards. This stakeholder has also facilitated the exchange of experiences and knowledge with other countries in conflict situations that are undergoing DDR processes.
Benefited territories

Action lines
Technical strengthening and capacity building looking forward to promote gender as a cross-cutting approach in ARN's missional processes.
Strengthening the knowledge management strategy of the ARN in order to consolidate a learning-based organization, focused on people undergoing reintegration and/or reincorporation processes.
The organization of the First International Congress on Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (CIDDR) in Cartagena (2009).
Support in:
The organization of South-South Cooperation Technical Tours
Participation of officials in DDR, gender and recruitment prevention courses
DDR courses in Colombia
Inclusion of the ARN in the Integrated DDR Training Group (IDDRTG)
Development of the program to strengthen the reintegration phase in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Regional workshops and forums for capacity building of ARN professionals and external stakeholders.