Joshua Mitrotti Ventura
General Director of the Colombian Agency
for Reintegration
Joshua Mitrotti Ventura, political scientist,
historian and specialist in journalism from the Andes University, took office
on November 19, 2014, as General Director of the Colombian Agency for
Mitrotti has over 14 years of professional experience
in the management of social, community, economic and political projects. He has
worked in institutions such as the Office of the People's Advocate, the Bogotá
Mayor's Office, the Ministry of Interior and Justice, and the Presidency of the
He specializes in issues such as: Citizen and
Community Participation, Participatory and Results Oriented Budgeting,
International Relations, Human Rights, International Humanitarian Law,
Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Processes, as well as the design,
implementation and evaluation of public policies, among others.
Experience in Reintegration
Joshua Mitrotti worked for more than four years in the
former Presidential Counselor's Office for Reintegration, initially as
Coordinator of the Cooperation and Foreign Affairs Unit, where he designed and
structured the adequacy of the Public Policy for Reintegration based on
international standards of Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR).
Later on, he managed the Community Work Unit (CWT) of
the Presidential Counselor's Office for more than two years, where he led the
design and implementation of the reintegration component based on communities
in more than 90 municipalities of Colombia, as well as the topics related to
the prevention of recruitment and use of children, adolescents and young people
by illegal armed groups.
From October 2010 until the creation of the Colombian
Agency for Reintegration in November 2011, was the General Manager of the
Presidential Counselor's Office. At that time, Mitrotti was responsible for
leading the reintegration strategy and all the mission programs, and for the
structuring process of the current Colombian Agency for Reintegration.
Subsequently, he was appointed as the Programmatic
Director of Reintegration where he was responsible for the formulation, design,
implementation, monitoring and evaluation of all the policies and the
Reintegration Process.
He retired from the ACR in October 2012 and served
until early November 2014 as Senior Manager of Public Affairs Practice at
Burson-Marsteller, a global agency of communications and public relations.