People undergoing reincorporation showcased their production projects at Agroexpo |
| At the stand of the Agency for Reincorporation
and Normalization (ARN), seven productive projects of people who are in the process
of reincorporation in different departments of Colombia will be displayed.
Photo: ARN.
| Bogotá, 22/10/2021 - Agroexpo is the most representative fair of the agricultural and livestock sector and in its new edition seven productive projects of ex-combatants of the FARC-EP, with the support of the Agency for Reincorporation and Normalization (ARN), will be displayed in Corferias between October 22nd and November 1st.
- Through the platform, citizens will also be able to see the catalog of products developed by people in the process of reintegration or reincorporation and purchase them to contribute to the economic sustainability of those who have committed to peace with legality.
The most important fair of the agricultural and livestock sector in Colombia took place in Corferias, and in this version, the Agency for Reincorporation and Normalization (ARN) had a space to share the progress made in the Colombian territory in terms of economic sustainability and productive projects of ex-combatants of illegal armed groups who are making progress in their transition to civilian life. Andrés Stapper Segrera, Director General of the ARN, indicated that “one of the main objectives of the Policy of Peace with Legality is to promote productive capacities aimed at the economic sustainability of people in the reincorporation process, and for this reason, 7,485 ex-combatants of the FARC-EP have been able to develop their business ideas. All these efforts are aimed at achieving the sustainability of their undertakings". The stand of the Agency for Reincorporation and Normalization was made up of the commercial display called 'Desde la Raíz, hechos con historia' (“From the Root, facts with Story", See Instagram: @desdelaraiz_co), with products made by people in the process of reincorporation. Among them were:Department of Arauca. Products of sacha Inchi (Sacha Milkshake and Sacha Inchi Nut): correspond to a sustainable production and innovative transformation project, led by 33 people in reincorporation through the Cooperativa agrícola para la paz (Agricultural Cooperative for Peace). Department of Tolima. Coffee 'El Tercer Acuerdo' y café 'Marquetalia': a coffee that is grown in the mountains of the southern part of the department. Ex-combatants of the FARC-EP, coffee-growing families, producers, the community of the Nasa Wesx Indigenous Reservation and women leaders of the region participate in its growing, production and commercialization process. The project consists of the construction of a coffee processing plant through the "Cooperativa multiactiva Marquetalia por un mundo mejor" (Marquetalia for a better world multi-active cooperative), made up of 58 people undergoing reincorporation.Cerveza la Roja beer: a handcrafted malted beer project with 5.5% alcohol, led by 24 people in the reincorporation process through the La Roja Cerveza Artesanal Association. With its production, they are committed to building peace and strengthening alternative production processes. Department of Cauca. Café La Esperanza (La Esperanza Coffee): product produced by rural communities and ex-combatants. The end of the conflict allowed the creation of a new aroma and exclusive flavor: that of reconciliation. The project consists of a dry parchment coffee production system and the implementation of a roasted coffee processing plant. A total of 94 people in the process of reincorporation are part of the initiative through the Ecomun La Esperanza Cooperative.Department of Antioquia. Miel de la Montaña (La Montaña Honey): the project is led by 18 people in the reincorporation process, who changed their uniform for a beekeeping suit in defense of peace and biodiversity. Its purpose is to develop a beekeeping production system to generate income for people in reincorporation from the former ETCR La Plancha, in Anorí, through the Cooperativa Multiactiva para el desarrollo económico y social del norte del Cauca (Multiactive Cooperative for the economic and social development of northern Cauca).Agroexpo was an opportunity for citizens to interact directly with productive projects and learn about the actions led by the Agency for Reincorporation and Normalization, from the economic sustainability component.The space had the support of the Casa Cultural la Roja, an organization of reincorporated individuals whose purpose is to strengthen the commercialization of products in the city of Bogota.
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